
Give Thanks '09

Wishing everyone happy holidays this season from the Conder family! {See photos of our family Thanksgiving below}.
We had a really GREAT Thanksgiving this year. Dinner was had at April and Chris' w/tons of food and we actually managed to all get together to snap a family photo. Kc was only able to come home for about 24 hours, but we are happy for the time we had with him. The rest of the weekend was pretty relaxing. Full of movies, eating leftovers, Chuck-o-rama, Zions park, swimming, and LOADS of shopping. April, Addie, and I endured a sisterly black friday for the second year in a row starting out at the early morning hour of 3:30 a.m. It was full of lines, running, more lines, lots of stores, and exhaustion. The only thing missing was a sister photo shoot in matching shirts at the Wal-Mart photo studio. Addie had to get back to Sophie by 6:30, but April and I trudged on successfully till 10:30 a.m. Did I sleep the rest of the day? Yes, yes I did. Barbie winnebago: check. Easy Bake Oven: check. Gilmore Girls Season 1: check (and more that can't be named at this time, hint: serger (whoops--that hint is for me).
I also managed to fit in a work-out session and a visit to the St. George temple (where I was reunited w/an old friend) so the trip was complete. The only draw back was the minor bit of a bug I had for the whole of the weekend and Brook's bout w/bronchitis. Poor girl. She's getting better though, which helps grandma not to worry as much. Mom and Dad were gratious hosts as always, and mom was frantically trying to accomodate everyone as usual.
*A major highlight was dressing Sophie in the Santa suit (dress) I bought her from Wal-Mart and then showing Addie. She looked so cute (and HI-larious). Pictures of the jolly little Sophie Claus to come.

Matching $2 kitten shirts, awwww.


Who Me?

Recently Nicole arranged a girls night out to see "Curtains" at the Hale Center Theatre in West Valley. Her sister Michelle starred in the musical and was superb, of course. After the show we spent our hard earned cash at McDonald's. Below left to right (top) Tracy, Nicole F., Michelle, Anamae, Season, and Nicole W. (bottom) Jill, me, and Jayna.

I bet you can't guess who was the star that night though. No need to try and re-focus your eyes, you're seeing it right.
Tonight I finished my one and only decoration for Thanksgiving. One week before Thanksgiving. Way-ta get things done early. Addie cut out all the cardstock and the letters to make the banner and I made the pinwheels and hung it with not-real-durable raffia. Cross your fingers, legs, and eyes the raffia doesn't break and send "Give Thanks" into a heap of no thanks.

A couple Fridays ago Nicole F. and I made this cute little jingle-bell-birthday banner for our good friend and old roommate Jill. She was the poster child for roommate prayer in college wards. Gracias Jill. I have to say that Nicole and I did a pretty darn good job on this one. If my basement wasn't such a dark cave you might actually be able to get a better idea of what it actually looks like. I intend to make another for my home office using the same "ingredients", so stay tuned for those photos. Any suggestions for a cute word to use for my banner in my office?

Last but not least {of the post focusing soley on me} is my Halloween costume. Here is the pre-wear of the unflattering pink poof of a costume that I fashioned for myself. The fact that I actually sewed myself a costume before the holiday passed is reason enough to give myself a round of applause and a semi thumbs up.

Part of the costume had to include popping the "Lawrence Welk Show" bubbles. Nicole blew bubbles while a fairy, princess, and high-forehead-little-handed-wierdo popped bubbles.
Happy Halloween '09!


Halloween 2009

A scarecrow, 2 witches, and wolervine. Watch out for those plastic electronic claws. They'll almost scratch you. Sadly Bk wasn't able to take them as part of his costume for school because they were considered a weapon.
Below: Bk's school Halloween parade featuring a cute little parade watcher Brook.

Izzy dressed up for preschool. So pretty.

Kt at her school. Also pretty.
Halloween night we went to a couple parties. The first at the Malan's new home. We had soup in bread bowls. A cupcake walk, bubbles for my little hands, trick or treating for the kids, etc. I will try and post more pictures from my camera later. After I went to my stake singles Halloween party which was in a word, adequate.
Judy, a 50's housewife, Kelly Kapowski and Zack Morris, Merlin, Mad Madame Mim, and a russian sailor.
Below Zack Morris is to cool for us. So he just hangs out in the background.
The girls dressed up.
All pink! I love that Sophie is sucking on my little hand.

Penny & Sophie. Natalie made Penny's costume. Even her hat! That Natalie is unbelievable.

The next post should be dedicated solely to my wacky/ unflattering/weird costume. I know that's all you've been waiting for. Hopefully I can post before Thanksgiving. I still need to post pictures of Addie's baby shower back in June at Dear Lizzie. It was so cute. Adorable pictures by Natalie as well.


Just wanted to post a couple of my old photos...

I was just looking through some of my old yearbook pictures and came across these. Boy was I a beaut'... (and sometimes a black person). AND boy did I go through some different hairstyles. I think I spent all my hard earned minimum wage, working the drive-up at McDonald's, getting my hair done. The question is did it do me any good, and how many years was I in high school to have this many photos? Luckily I have Nicole now to keep my hair lookin' stylish (at least the day I go to the salon).
To see pictures of you in high school go to http://www.yearbookyourself.com/. My pictures are all originals though.

* Halloween pictures coming soon... before Thanksgiving, I promise. Think little hands and lots of pink.