
toof: the finale

Here it is:  My new porcelain tooth.  Can you tell which one it is?  No?  Good (evil laugh-mwhahaha).
I'm so happy with it that I'll probably give an analogy about it during my next testimony in church.
If I chicken out I'll have my mom do it.
Have you heard her analogy's during testimony meeting?
I think my favorite was about the movie Superman Returns.
ps:  What's going on with those whispy side hairs?  Show-offs.

1 comment:

Amy said...

Your toof looks great. I was going through my cedar chest the other day and found some of my old teeth the dentist pulled (not sure why I kept those). So the root is on and everything...maybe I should make you a necklace out of it. Maybe a Best Friend one...I'll start working on that.