About a week and a half ago it was my birthday. I wasn't looking forward to it, but there's no avoiding it. You have to get older. Wouldn't it be nice if that was optional? I always like to go swimming on my b-day so me, Brooke, Nicole W., and her bf Darren went swimming at the new Payson City outdoor pool. It was a little cold and rainy, but we still had a fun time. I normally like to go to dinner and a movie too, but Nicole F., Brooke, and I had already done a girl's day of that the Wednesday before (the 3 of us all have August b-days). Later that night a few close friends and I went to the Pizza Pie Cafe for dinner and then went back to my house for cake. I put on my peach lace 80's dress and brought out Seaweed for some pre-cake entertainment. I was also given a very special present: A plunger w/toilet paper stuck to it. Yes, it was from one of the boys. You will see in the pictures below that I counted my candles to make sure they weren't the real thing, and they weren't. Good job girls. I'm still 28.

you forgot to mention the part where you were left in the woods and you couldn't find your way back so you made friends with a bear and you would crawl around on his stomach and tickle him until you were stolen by some crazy tree monkeys that did some awesome freestyle singing.
True. I did forget about that. And the part where I defeated the tiger.
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