
Be Mime Valentine

This year for Valentine's Day, Addie and some of her close friends had a Valentine's party for their girls. They made these cute little mailboxes for their Valentines and cute bead necklaces. Addie also made an adorable doily garland. As a treat the girls had chocolate fondue. Kt especially loved it.

I talked to Izzy on the phone yesterday, and she said she got tons of Valentines from school. So many that it filled her backpack full and made it look like a turtle shell.

I got this dazzling homemade Valentine (below) in the mail from my friend Brooke, who lives in DC. We've got a running inside joke about mime's, and so she made me a bunch of mime Valentine's for me. It is hilarious, and I absolutely love it. This is just one of 5 that she made.

For Christmas this year, Shaun suprised Addie with a craft room. He got up in the middle of the night to paint it pink, and hid everything from her until the big reveal. She loved it, and has spent some long hours in there already. It turned out really cute. Well done Shaun.

1 comment:

Nicole said...

Wow! I'm extremely impressed by the craftroom. It turned out super cute! Will Shaun come do my nursery? Also, love the Valentine! The caramel apple can give us some new material.