Guess which crazy turned 5? Holy moly, you guessed it--our very own Izzy.
Izzy had an adorable vintage Barbie b-day party. Complete with vintage paper dolls, pin the ponytail on the Barbie silhouette, dress ups, coloring, etc. Izzy, of course, pinned her ponytail in the exact spot that it was intended even though she said she couldn't see. She also lived up to her wackiness by not paying attention when the others were playing the game and instead punched her balloons and repeatedly asked when she could open her presents. Sophie had a grand ol' time and was so hyper that she was crawling all over the place laughing, and then bolted up the stairs for the first time. It was cute/hilarious! I made Izzy a play dress that she now refers to as her Cinderella dress. After everyone left and the presents were played with Kt and Izzy decided to play with some of their toys in the bath tub. I had a hard time getting a picture because they were laughing so much. Addie did a great job with the party, and it turned out SUPER cute. 

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