
Camping in the Uintas - Labor Day Weekend

Labor Day weekend (ok, just Friday night) Nicole, Nate, Tom, Season, Anamae, and I decided to go camping. It was super fun. The weekend before we planned it all out and almost got the guys to go for secret sisters like we all remembered at girls camp. No such luck though. We got a great spot at a campground near Teapot lake and Lilly lake. There was one other lake near us... but I can't remember the name. Nicole, Season, and I were a little wary of the bears, but came up with some ideas to ward them off which included putting a long feather on the end of a gun and trying to tickle them away first. Effective? Who knows, hopefully none of us will. We ate loads and loads, froze, slept uncomfortably, and had a 25 course breakfast (again tons of food). After we packed up, Nate suggested that we go see the Provo River Falls, which were so beautiful. I never knew they were there, and was so glad I was able to see them. (Again, the pictures are backwards and I'm too lazy to change them, sorry).

Nicole and I's bed head hair. Hers is a lot worse than mine, but that is an indication of how little we all slept.
During dinner we played the game 'guess what song I'm whistling'. It was a hilarious. After dinner we sat around the campfire and played 'I'm telling a story, that is a movie, that I'm using as my own story', which was also h-i-l-arious again.

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