Sophie has finally arrived. Congratulations to Shaun and Addie! She was born Monday, July 6th at 3:27 p.m. She is 8 lb. 4 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long w/ the cutest little chubby cheeks. We heard the baby crying outside the labor and delivery room and Izzy and Kt could not wait to meet their new little sister. Izzy and Kt were jumping up and down. Here they are waiting outside the door, and then when they first meet their new little sister.
Addie had a nice corner room for delivery. Here are the girls sitting in the window sill devouring their oreos, and making a mess.
Here we are taking turns holding the baby.
Kt and Izzy got to help wheel the baby to the nursery for her bath, etc.
Back in Addie's room.
I had to take a picture of Kt's backpack because it was SO enormous.
Oh my word! She is seriously beautiful. Congratulations! Also, I didn't realize you had so many updates on here. I have a lot of catching up to do.
congrats addie (and fam)!!!! I don't think the backpack is huge; I think you just found a way to shrink katie.
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